20/20 Focus on JESUS

20/20 Focus on JESUS
Each day we need to keep our eyes focused on JESUS - 20/20! I am sorry that I did not continue this blog into the beginning of 2021. Nine months passed by before I was convicted to return to this blog and encourage us to look at JESUS, with clear vision, via a daily scripture reading. Yellow highlights are names/descriptions of JESUS that we'll add to the list on the right.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

2020 for JESUS - Day 50: JESUS is LOVE... LOVE is not arrogant...

From February 15-29, 
Day 46 to Day 60 of 2020 for JESUS,  
please join us in taking 
The LOVE Challenge - GOD's WAY!

The Bible shares the definition of GOD's AGAPE LOVE in 1 Corinthians 13.

Throughout the Bible, the illustration of this AGAPE LOVE iJESUS.

Each day, we'll take a principle of AGAPE LOVE
and then look at something from JESUS' life, 
here on earth, that illustrates it.  

Today is LOVE Challenge - GOD's WAY - Day 5: 

GOD's LOVE  through me for __________ is not arrogant!

Image result for love is not arrogant

Arrogance is rude!
Arrogance puts you before others, 
focusing on you and your wants and desires, 
as opposed to caring for the other person!

The dictionary may not endorse this 100%, 
but I often think of "having compassion" 
as the opposite of arrogance.
You die to self and think of the other person!

The book of Matthew,
gives us examples of JESUS
not arrogantly thinking of HIMSELF, 
but having COMPASSION and 
choosing to serve and serve some more...

Matthew 9:35
"JESUS went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people..."

Matthew 14:14
"JESUS went ashore and saw a great assembly.  And HE was moved with COMPASSION toward them, and HE healed their sick."

Matthew 15:32
"When JESUS called HIS disciples to HIM and said, "I have COMPASSION on the crowd, because they have remained with ME now for three days and have nothing to eat.  I will not send them away hungry, lest they faint on the way."

Matthew 20:29-34
"As they departed from Jericho, a large crowd followed HIM.

30-  There, two blind men sitting by the roach, when they heard that JESUS was passing by, cried out, 'Have mercy on us, O LORD, SON OF DAVID!'

31- The crowd rebuked them, that they should be silent.  But they cried out even more, 'Have mercy on us, O LORD, SON OF DAVID!'

32- JESUS stood still and called them, saying, 'What do you want ME to do for you?'

33- They said to HIM, 'LORD, let our eyes be opened'.

34-  So JESUS had COMPASSION on them and touched their eyes.  Immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed HIM."

 Let's start today, by thinking of the other person and having COMPASSION!
1). GOD's love through me for _________is patient;
2). GOD's love through me for _________ is kind;
3). GOD's love through me for _________ is not jealous or envious;
4). GOD's love through me for _________ does not boast or brag;
5). GOD’s love through me for __________ is not arrogant (but, COMPASSIONATE!)

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